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Shiva's  Dance

Shiva Nandhi

Nanry Malar

About Shiva's Dance!!
"In THE SYMBOLISM OF SHIVA'S Cosmic Dance is hidden a deep understanding of how our universe works, from the tiny atom to inconceivably immense intergalactic spaces. Shiva's unending Dance of Creation, Preservation and Destruction is art, science and religion merged as one. When we behold His Dance, the world is seen as it truly is--sacred. Every happening within it is His Divine Will."

From "SIVA'S COSMIC DANCE, An Introduction to the World's Most Ancient Religion, Saivite Hinduism."

About Saivism And Shaivam - An Introduction .
aum namaH shivAya
Shaivam - An Introduction
Shaivam is the religion that worships Lord Shiva. Shaivam a very old religion in the Hindu family of religions is very rich in its philosophies. With its vivid branches very well integrated into the root, it becomes the feast, oxygen and life of many philosophers. With the matured philosophies standing on the great vedantic and sidhdhantic strong bases it presents to its followers the great paths to the Blissful Supreme called Shiva.

In the Shaivam there are many doctrines shaiva sidhdhantham, kAshmira shaivam, vIra shaivam, vedAnta shaivam and many others. These are the contributions of very many scholars who prospered under this shaiva discipline. Shaivam is one of the most followed discipline of sanAtana dharama in many of its forms. For most of the shaivites apart from the vedas the Agamas are the scriptures of importance. The Shaivites worship the Supreme as formless, symbol and through many forms all leading to the Ultimate Attributeless Supreme.

A.Snehan Kannappan

Keen Computer Systems

3085 Hurontario Street #11C     Mississauga ON Canada.

Tel (905) 290-9099


Anpudan Snehan Kannappan